What to Believe?

“It’s a Democrat hoax!”

And people cheered.

That was at a South Carolina rally as they were speaking about the Coronavirus.

Then the first USA death. A 50-something male in Washington state.

“It’s all under control. We lost a life here. She was a great woman.”


Someone didn’t properly brief the Orange menace.

And that’s the thing about lying all the time...

...no one trusts you to tell the truth.

“We have a lot of medical elements going on. It’s going good.”

What are ‘medical elements’?

Thankfully, Michael Pence is on the job. He of the ‘evolution isn’t real’, gays can be prayed away, and God will provide if we pray hard enough.

What could go wrong there?

The CDC guy?

He’s being stopped from appearing.

The real shame here?

The Coronavirus is a hoax speech is being slapped on every MAGA social media post.

So, China, Italy, Europe, Japan, Denmark, Sweden, etc...

...have all decided to join with Pelosi and Shumer to conspire against Trump?

He should not be allowed to use ‘hoax’ or ‘fake news’ ever again.

He’s used that little scam 20 times now.

What people need right now is leadership and honesty.

This could be about life and death for some people...

...the virus is actually spreading.

It won’t kill everyone who is infected, but it will kill SOME people...

...won’t be a hoax to them.

We best get the medical elements going...

...and stop lying about it for political gain.


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