He Knew in January

The early warnings came in late December.

By January, the word ‘pandemic’ was being thrown around.

I didn’t pay any attention and neither did you.

That’s above our pay grade.

You know who also did t pay attention????

The head of the CDC.

Because it was defunded in 2018.

“I don’t want people sitting around doing nothing. We can get them back if we need them.”

We NEEDED them in January!

But no!

On January 24th we all read a reassuring tweet on it. China had it contained. We learned again that President Xi is a friend of Trumps.

“Thank you, China!”

So, we moved to February.

News reports were coming in from other places. The United States was warned again.

The senators sold off their stocks!! Before they warned their constituents. Many downplayed the virus claiming that the flu was just as dangerous!

It’s not.

They knew it wasn’t, but the tweets are all there. Rush Limbaugh called it the common cold. Trump called the media hyping of it “the new hoax.”

People were dying.

Masks, ventilators and swabs were not ordered! Somewhere along the way the World Health Organization offered tests...

...you know, to get ahead of it!

Trump said “no.” He didn’t want the numbers to be too high because he didn’t want the markets to panic and he didn’t want to hurt his re-election chances.

Sadly, it gets worse.

“We have 15 cases and soon it’ll be zero. We have it totally under control.”

Those words were uttered in late February, early March!

“Totally contained.”

One week later, with the cases multiplying...

...the story changed.

“Oh I knew it was serious. I knew it could be a pandemic long ago that’s why I stopped the flights.”


You shut the barn door after the horses left...

...and then tried to lie and wing your way through it...

...without preparing anything!

Question for you:

If you knew early on (because you’re a brilliant, stable genius) why didn’t we prepare further????

Why were you still claiming that the ‘flu kills people too, I didn’t know that’?

Why were Rush, Hannity and Tucker and Kellyanne all claiming that it was straight up media hype?

Why wasn’t the healthcare shored up?

The ‘Chinese Virus’ garbage is a straight up bloody steak for the masses.

It’s meant to throw a villain to the base.

You know why?

To hide the fact that the game-show host with the propensity to tell one lie after another was sound asleep at the wheel.

It’s sad.

And people will die.

And they knew.

What is that called again?

Criminal negligence!


That’s it.


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