This Is Insane

I woke up on Friday morning with a scratchy throat.

My first thought was:

“Oh no.”

I was heading to a job site where one member of the crew had gone home with a fever. My task was to convince the rest of the crew that they’d be just fine. Just wash those hands.

Thought two:

“This is insane.”

I caught the news of the day. The United States has more confirmed cases than either China or Italy. Both of those nations had been devastated. We are on track to obliterate their numbers and we had advanced warning.

We chose to undersell what might happen.

My third thought:

“Why aren’t more Americans angry that we were totally unprepared? Why did we not order the necessary equipment? This is criminal.”

Stumbled upon Trump doing a briefing. He’s bright orange. His eyes are disturbing. He can hardly breathe. He can barely read.

He has a hunch that we won’t need so many ventilators.

Is that the same hunch that told him it was no worse than the flu? Or that churches would be filled on Easter?

He belittled a reporter who asked if everyone would have a ventilator:

“Don’t be a cutie pie.”

He confessed that he is not calling governors who don’t show him appreciation.

Thought #4:

“He’s incompetent. By every measure he’s horrifically ill-prepared for ALL of this!”

Come on now, watch him!

Listen to his words!!

Hear his selfishness.

Not a single word of comfort for those who’ve lost loved ones, or those who are suffering.


He praises himself.



“Never seen nothing like it”.

He might be the worst person in the world to be sitting in that seat.

No compassion.

No foresight.

An incessant need to be praised.

I heard from 3 construction guys. The first guy said, “We need to blow up those Chinese f***s.”

The second guy said:

“Even if it’s 2% of 340 million. I mean, wouldn’t that give us the financial breathing room we need?”

The third guy said:

“It’s only New York City! We should just be living our normal lives.”

It gave me my 5th thought of the day:

“We’re screwed!”

By the end of the work day there were grumblings about non-essential construction work being shut down.

Thought 6:

“I’m not going back out.”

I made it home to my family.

No fever. A scratchy throat for sure. It may have been from speaking for a long stretch on Thursday.

It may be the start of something else.

I finally thought about God for a minute.

“Please no.”

God, you listening?

We need some help here.

Because we did not prepare.

We appear to have less than zero leadership...

...and no way to hold one man accountable.

One last thought:

“This is absolutely, tremendously, unbelievably, bigly, batshit, fu**ing crazy”.


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