Disposable People

Who do you know who is disposable in your life?

Someone who has lived too long?

Someone who is sick and you think has suffered enough?

Your crazy aunt?

The mad neighbor down the road?

Here’s the thing, I can’t think of anyone...

...who I believe should be sacrificed...

...or who should have every chance to not suffer respiratory distress, and have their lungs filled to the point of drowning.

Easter Sunday?

That’s the day being bandied about as the day when America should be up and running again.

Any idea how we arrived at that day?

It’s a beautiful timeline.

Know why?

So the churches can be packed with people!!

During a pandemic!!!

While the curve is steepening!!

Damn, that’s terrific.

Thank God it’s been declared over after Donny T. evaluated the data, decided that the scientists and doctors were just being too careful...

...and, oh yeah, Larry Kudlow was there too.

He agrees with the huge, orange menace because we need the money!

I can’t even handle it anymore.

Less than a week ago, the same big dope was standing there talking about how important it was to social distance and that it would be weeks, perhaps months for the curve to flatten.

Now he has evaluated data and has figured out that our long national nightmare is nearly over and that he can see the light at the end of the tunnel?


People will die if we all run back out there before we have had the chance to stop the spread.

Need data?

China has it, Italy has it, South Korea has it, Iran has it.

We are wishing it gone?

Because of money??

“There will be painful trade offs.”

Goodbye to Grandma, Grandpa, the 20-year-old who died in California, the healthcare workers in their 40’s who’ve died?

I don’t want this virus!!

I don’t want to bring it to my wife who doesn’t feel well, and I don’t want to carry it to 100 other people without even knowing.

Because I don’t find that anyone I know is disposable...


...wait a minute...

...I do know one guy.


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