
Having a hard time getting all excited.

‘Cause I’m freaking cold!!!

I don’t even want to slide out from under the heated blanket!

And then when you make your way out there there’s all the crap to deal with.

Clean off the car and start it.

Shovel the driveway enough to make it out.

On Saturday, the dogs were ready to go...

...I left them in the house as I cleaned the show off the car. My feet were already cold. I opened the door and heard the cries.

“What’s going on?” Kathy called.

“Nothing!” I yelled back.

“Well, Melky thought you left her. She’s wailing.”

We made our ride to the corner to grab the paper. Melky was absolutely shivering. When we returned she went straight up the stairs and back to the heated blanket.

It was all I could do to not join her.

Wednesday and Thursday are looking like days where we won’t make it to double digits.

Much of the country is a frozen tundra.

Pitchers and catchers are about three weeks out.

“Move over,” I told Melky.

Come on, April!


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