Banned from Driving

They were really hyping the storm.


25 below!!

I woke up early, as usual, and looked out the window.

Not much!!

The wind was blowing and it looked cold, but there wasn’t a ton of snow.  Maybe they’d got it wrong. It happens.

I put the television on and they were talking about how bad the conditions were...

...downtown and north of the city.

Kathy leaves the house before 4:30. She was gone. I texted her:

“Did you make it?”

Took her while to answer.

“Wasn’t too bad.”

Before I was even out of bed the newscasters were saying:


Here’s the thing:

I hate driving in the snow. I’m lousy at it. I go way too slow, and I can’t see. Everyone else is a maniac.

I didn’t have to be told twice.

By mid-morning we were getting snow and the wind was really whipping.

A whole bunch of towns were declared to be in a state of emergency and driving was actually banned.

There’s always plenty to do.

I was on the computer all day. Took a few calls. One guy even requested that I ‘swing by’ one of the sites.

“Have you looked out the window?”/

Kathy called at the end of the shift.

“Are you going to try it?”

“Oh yeah.”

When she got home she summed it up in 2 words.

“Wasn’t bad.”

As a dialysis nurse she wasn’t exposed to the ban. Her job is essential.

“Last thing I would’ve wanted to do was drive,” I said.

“‘Cause you’re a wimp.”

So be it.

About 12 more hours of this garbage.


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