Dance Your Heart Away

There are a lot of people attacking the new politician of the moment, Alexandria-Ocasio-Cortez.

I’ve seen a bunch of memes that show her as dumb.

(That’s kind of rich given the top of the pyramid).


This isn’t political!

It’s about the fact that she was demeaned for a video of her dancing on a rooftop when she was in high school.

I don’t get it!

If it were me dancing I might understand the ridicule, but it’s a great clip!

I’ve been forever fascinated by people who love dancing. I’m way too self-conscious to be good at dancing. I can stand up in a room with a thousand people and talk...

...but to move to the beat of the music and not absolutely embarrass myself?

Can’t do it at this stage in life!

Look at people who are dancing with reckless abandon...

...know what they have in common?


The smiles.

Check her video...

...she was a kid, moving and smiling.

What is she supposed to be ashamed about???

Yet, there are people treating it like the Access Hollywood tape...

...and exclaiming that it’s just as damning.

I don’t know how this kid will do as she works in the government, but I kind of like the excitement they’re bringing... the hell out of looking at Orin Hatch.

(Okay, maybe a little political).


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