What? No Sarah?

Man, am I disappointed.

Sarah Palin is not going to run for president.

Not that I would have thought about voting for her, mind you, but because I will certainly miss the comedy associated with such a run.

I didn't know enough about Paul Revere until she spoke.

I didn't know you could see Russia from her bedroom window until she told me that was how she shaped policy.

All the golly gees and youbetcha's that I will miss.

She was ready to roll too until all the dirt came out about her. Did you know she slept with a basketball player behind Trip or Trigger or Tupac's back?

I can never remember what her snowmobiling husband's name is.

And Bristol...oh how I will miss Bristol and her boyfriend, Trip or Trigger or Comet and Blitzen.

She was one of us. She dropped out of school eleven times. She once ran her school board. She thought the country that borders us to the south was Texico.

"Drill baby drill."

"Why do you ask me such trip-up questions such as what I like to read? That's just mean."

McCain couldn't stand the sight of her. Biden actually laughed at her during the vice-presidential debates. She actually has the gall to stand up and say how things should be run nationwide when she quit as governor because they were picking on her because of all the clothes she bought as she was running around the world messing up speech after horrendous speech.

I will certainly miss her.

Then again, maybe I would have voted for her.

She's kinda' hot.


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