What are You Reading?

I do enjoy my birthday for a couple of real tangible reasons. First off, my great sister, Corinne, never forgets and she always gets a present that matches my personality. Two Italian salamis this year.

They're almost gone.

Secondly, my mother always gets me a gift card. For a book store.

I guess she knows me well too.

Like Mom, I am not great at sharing books. I want to buy them (to help the author who worked his ass off) and I want to keep them in my room when I'm done reading them.

So, what did I get this year with my gift card?

13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher. Loose Girl (I liked the title) by Kerry Cohen. Bad Blood by John Sandford (I read everything he writes). South of Broad by Pat Conroy (with a nod to my buddy Jan for turning me in that direction). Cruel Death by M. William Phelps (I met him in Rhode Island at a Book Awards Show...we had a couple of beers...great writer). Moneyball by Michael Lewis (Baseball...can't get enough) and The Winner Stands Alone by Pablo Coelho (He is a master).

So, there we go. I also received a gift from my friend Molly - Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo...that's the one I started with...AFTER!


After, for the 2nd time in my life, I put a book down and refused to finish reading it. It was a book written by Max Tucker called Assholes Finish First.

I am hesitant to write about it because it was a vile, ridiculous account of the author being, well, being an asshole.

Now I love Howard Stern. I listen to his show every day. He can border on the tasteless, but I laugh along knowing that Howard is really a decent man. Max Tucker, as far as I can tell, is garbage. The stories were so horrific and the treatment of women was so degrading that I was shocked. I love writing comedy. I know there is a line to straddle. Tucker's stories are so offensive that on page after page, I wondered why or how he got it by a publisher.

And it really galls me to know that it is his second accumulation of filth that has achieved Bestsellers status. I was saddened. Really saddened that people are reading it. I am embarrassed for him as a man because when he grows up, he is going to look back and read it, and its going to make him want to vomit. And if it doesn't...that is even more sad.

As you will probably note, I went over the amount of the gift card. I will most likely finish those books by the time my next gift card comes from my Mommy at Christmas.

I guess sometimes assholes do finish first.

And by the way...what was the other book I put down without finishing?

The DaVinci Code.

It was also vile, but only because it was so poorly written.


Corleone said…
I liked the DaVinci code....I talked w Fr. J. about it's merits and DEmerits, too. The only books I put down & never finished were Life of Pi & the first book by Tucker Max....I have it in my pile if you're interested.......oh & you're welcome for the sopressata.
Cliff Fazzolari said…
The problem with the DaVinci code was that he wrote it like a paint by numbers...flat characters, 1...2...3 plot....a formula....made him millions, but lazy writing...it got on my nerves. Right, Carrot?
Right. Didn't like it either, though I read it all the way through. Paulo Coehlo is a winner among all those you picked, and Heaven is For Real is a great book - just real hopeful, you know?

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