White Nationalists

It's just so distressing.

Violent protests across this great nation.

Civil unrest.

So much division.

And those who protested the Black Lives Matter protests now have zip to say about the White Nationalists screaming about "taking their country back".

I was busy with love, family and laughter this weekend, but the news is inescapable.

It's at our fingertips.

What happened in Charlottesville, Virgina is nothing short of embarrassing.

And deadly.

Someone got in their car and drive straight into a crowd of people.

Bodies flying through the air.

Men marching and screaming about how their lives have been compromised because people who don't look like them have been granted something that they don't deserve, I guess.

The protest was about a statue of Robert E. Lee coming down.

The protestors wanted it to stay up, I guess.

And now the hatred and division will grow.

We certainly won't hear about peace and love in the coming days because we are reaping what has been sown.

Last year's news was dominated by nastiness.

One side against the other.

"You're an idiot!"

"You're stupid!"

And I don't feel much like throwing around blame to one failed politician or the other.

I don't think it's the media's fault for reporting it either.

In fact, I don't know what to say.

Other than I'm neither shocked or even a little surprised.

We're gonna' get what we get.

Until we clean up the hate.

It's going to take a good long while...

...because for now...

...each day begins with 4,5,6 or 7 hate tweets.



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