Bannon Out!

Flynn was the first to go, then Spicer, then Mooch, then Preibus... Bannon.

I've mentioned before, I hate chaos.

If there's one constant about what's happening, it's all about chaos and change.

And the worst part?

We're losing all the Saturday Night Live Characters!

Bannon was a lightning rod for those who have trouble with potential Nazi's, racists and white supremacists. He's the former leader of Breitbart and that's where he's going back to.

Now he has an axe to grind too.

Buckle up!

What gets me about it is that the real story of yesterday was kind of buried by the resignation or firing of Bannon.

I listened to the Mom of the woman killed in Virgina by the white supremacist. The woman was asked if she had spoken to Trump.

"I haven't, and I won't," she said.

Of course she's upset about Trump explaining that there are good and bad people on both sides.

Not what she needed to hear in a time of grief.

And that was heartbreaking to me.

Chaos is one thing.

This is unsustainable, and I've been saying that since January.

But the world has changed again.

Who would've thought that every single day you'd be waiting to see what horrific thing happened today.

9 minutes after the van plowed through the crowd in Barcelona we had footage of the bodies in the street.

"This might be difficult for some viewers," the anchor said.

Ya' think????

I turned away after 10 seconds of looking at injured or dead people.

Do we really need to see it?

Look, I don't know where his presidency is headed.

In the last 4 weeks:

The Boy Scouts were horrified by Trump's speech.

The cops were told to bang the criminals heads as they were being loaded in the police car before they're charged.

North Korea made threats and fire and fury like the world has never seen was promised.

Mooch was hired and fired.

White Nationalists attacked.


Bannon out!

And we're just getting warmed up!

Let me know when we're great again.


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