Jay Thomas


This one hurts!!

I was a big fan of Jay Thomas' radio show.

Jay died on Thursday and of course, I didn't have any idea that it was coming. He'd been really sick a little while ago, but I didn't have any idea that he was THAT sick!

Because he was never serious for too long.

Yet there were a whole bunch of highlights that flooded into my brain. Jay was a good friend of the husband of a good friend of mine. Yvonne was my next door neighbor growing up, and one day, Jay spoke about her on his show.

The story he told made me shake with laughter.

I also enjoyed Jay's politics.

He was a true straight shooter.

"Get rid of him...get rid of him!" Jay would shout when a caller would get on his nerves.

And then there was the interview with Kevin Bacon.

Before the interview Jay was asked not to bring up the fact that Kevin Bacon lost money to Bernie Madoff.

"So, you lost money in the Madoff deal, huh?" Jay asked, almost immediately.

The interview went as badly as you might think.

I'm sure that his show will live on and be played over and over for years and years...

...but I won't be able to listen.

Too sad!

"Get rid of him!"

"Get rid of him!!"

Jay might say.

May he Rest In Peace.

He would always tell his listeners that he was barely famous and just a 3rd rate celebrity.

I'd beg to differ...

...he was a great one.


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