Our Time

An old acquaintance has been posting photos of the North Collins Community from 1976.

I recall going to the festivities back then for the bicentennial, but there's a funny thing about memories. I was just a kid and my parents were in their 30's.

On Sunday morning a photo of Mom and Dad was making the rounds, and I have also been immensely interested in the other photos...

...picking out people we all knew.

And then we were all together for Jeff's softball tourney.

This generation of North Collins.

All loving friends.

Beer, softball, good food and laughter.

The kids took over.

As the old dogs now, the Lions went through the motions and were gone after just two games.

And we watched the kids play.

All day long I kept thinking back to the photo of Mom and Dad.

They were so young.

So many days in front of them.

Mostly very happy days.

Then I thought how quickly I went from 11 years of age to nearly 53.

Wink of an eye.

But it occurred to me.

Our time is limited.

We have what seem like mere moments to run, drink, laugh, build a family, and hang out with great friends.

I soaked in every second of the day.

My kids team had a walk-off win.

They were jumping up and down and cheering loudly.

Kept going back and forth in my mind...

...my parents turn...

...our turn...

...my kids turn.

And the lesson?

Cherish the days...like yesterday.

Our family is so grateful for the community that has wrapped us in their arms, and have loved my brother Jeff's kids.

It goes by fast.

But on the beautiful days...

...life is a lot of fun to live.


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