Heaven Here On Earth

Who isn't horrified by the photos of the people in Texas?

If you aren't, and your brain instantly switches to laying blame, or amping up for a fight...

...well, you might have a problem.

I spent a lot of time considering the horror, and then some of the images made me turn my thoughts to the compassion.

I watched a video of a man, with an elderly woman in a basket, trying to balance everything as he hung by a tether, and tried to lift her into a helicopter.

The rain and wind pummeling him, as he worked.

The sense of relief on his face as he handed her off.

I saw a photo of a man, wading through waist deep water, holding a German Shepherd close.

Saving the life of a dog.

And it occurred to me.

This is America.

None of the hateful rhetoric matters right now.

Rescuers aren't checking citizenship papers.

Men and women are banding together to save lives.

Wading in to look for people who are stranded. Carrying people, on their backs to safety.

And when the storm clears there are going to be a whole lot of stories talking about who shouldn't done what and why didn't they do this or that.

All Monday morning quarterbacking.

Know a couple of things:

1). This is where we really, really need government help and resources. I'm sure there are people who normally hate the government, being saved by it.

2). There's heaven in the details. People's lives are being saved.

The water will eventually dissipate.

The rain will stop.

And together...

...not divided...

...we shall overcome.

God help those people.

Seems it's already happening.

Heaven is alive in the hearts of the people who are risking their own safety to help total strangers out.


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