Redskins Argument Again

Third-graders at a private school in Bethesda aren't allowed to wear their Redskins jerseys to school anymore.

I didn't get the school's name but that doesn't matter...

...this argument has been going on awhile.

The Redskins won't hear any of it. Snyder isn't changing the name, and every year we hear all about it.

When the topic comes up there's always a white guy on a radio show somewhere who says:

"Leave it alone! I know a Native American guy and it doesn't bother him!"

Kind of like saying:

"I have black friends," when someone calls you a racist.

Is it offensive?

Not to me...

...but if they were the Washington Wops...

...I might have a problem.

The Washington Pollacks?

Washington Drunk Irish Dudes?

The examples are endless, and the Redskins term was deragatory some time ago, right?

But I see the other side of it as well.

That has been the team name forever. It's a brand. Big money. Plenty of proud former Redskins players and we're all too sensitive now.


Stop crying!!

We've all heard it all.

The battle has been going on how long now?

I'm not sure that the third-graders need to be brought into the fight. I don't think that little Larry from Maryland should be forced to give up his favorite shirt from his favorite team because it's racist.

Why are we teaching them racism?

That kid never considered it when he was putting on his shirt.

Ah well.

Let's all talk about it for another year, right?

Stir up some more debates between the left and right....

...after all...

...everyone gets along way too famously now.


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