What Could Go Wrong?

So, the guy who lost $1.2 billion in 10 years is in charge of the economy.

The stock market is in the tank.

The trade war is necessary even though there is tariff money  “pouring in from China” (even though that’s not how tariffs work)...

...but we have to do it because all the other presidents were stupid and even though we now have  “the greatest economy, that we’ve ever seen, in maybe the last, maybe ever.”

None of it makes any sense, and even the economist for the administration is saying:

“Yeah. That’s not how tariffs work.”

The soybeans are rotting in the bins.

The farmers are saying that they’re losing 50% of their earning power.

“We gotta’ do it. We’ll see what happens!”

The thing about the trade deficit is that we aren’t “losing $500 million or $600 million or $700 million (whatever he pulls out of his ear).

We actually get goods and services for that money.

Now, I’m no economist, but I listen to what people who know that sort of stuff actually say about it.

“A long, drawn-out trade war with China will be devastating to the economy.”

Does that sound positive?

“Shop at Wal-Mart instead,” he said.

Perhaps he doesn’t know that most of what they sell is made in China.

“It’s simple. Make your products here!”

Like the MAGA hats?

That were made...

...in China?

It’s all so confusing.

But he makes deals, right?

Good deals!

The best deals!!

“His tax returns from that time show that he lost more money than everyone in America.”

Sounds promising!

Sounds like we’re in good hands!

Let’s all just stand back and watch the huge, orange maniac work his magic!


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