How Embarrassing for Our Country

The speaker of the house hopes that the family of the president has an intervention.

That turned the president into a 9-year-old.

Calling people names, making threats, one lie after another. If he was an employee of any company in the country there would be an intervention.

The tweets are embarrassing.

He retweeted a slowed down video of Pelosi that made her appear to be drunk. That video was shared millions of times.

The meltdown appears imminent because there are about twenty investigations into the criminal past and the suspect finances, and the connections to other nations.

The Mueller report was mischaracterized by the attorney general and now the attorney general is going to declassify everything in an attempt to...

...get this...

...investigate Hillary!

She’s been baking pies for two years!!

What an absolute embarrassment.

On Thursday there was a meeting scheduled to discuss infrastructure.

Trump came in and had what some are calling a temper tantrum. He stormed out.

Meeting cancelled.

The dems came out and told the story...

...Trump then lined up all of his staff and asked them if he had a temper tantrum or if he was a stable genius.

He said that!

“I’m a very stable genius.”

The farmers are getting a hand out. Ford is laying off thousands. There are massive layoffs in the beer industry. He threatens to blow Iran off the map and sent thousands and thousands to the Middle East.

North Korea is firing off missiles again and the Trump-Kim Jong-Un love affair appears to be over.

An unmitigated disaster.

And every single time I hear Trump talk I am embarrassed for all of us.

He brings up the election.

Calls people names.

Lies constantly.

There are huge bags under his eyes, he slurs his words.

He’s no longer going to work with the democrats until they stop picking on him.

They won’t honor subpoenas.

Everything is going to court.

How embarrassing!

We pay these people!

They work for America.

Laws being passed in the house are dead on arrival in the senate.

And then it’s off to the golf course!


And it’s going to get worse.

God help us.


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