I Don’t Want Freaking Measles!

I have a distinct memory of getting chicken pox.

I didn’t have them, but a couple of my siblings did, and they were suffering mightily.

“Aren’t they catchy?” I remember asking.

“Yeah, we want you to get them now,” My Dad said.

I might have said “WTF” before I knew what “WTF” meant.

And so, I got ‘em.

The entire lot of us suffered through it.

But try as I might, and I remember a lot, I don’t recall ever having the measles...

...well, good news!

We seem to be smack dab in the middle of the Nixon years.

Measles are back on the menu!!!

Because some dopey bastards weren’t happy about the fact that it had been cured.

Now I know what “WTF” means.

And who says that God doesn’t have a sense of humor?

There’s a cruise ship filled with Scientology’s finest all measled up out there.

Don’t we have enough problems without bringing back some of the greatest hits?

I swear, if after fifty-four-freaking years I get the damn measles I’m gonna’ be pissed.

Yesterday was national prayer day.

Maybe we can pray it all away.

If only God would send us a cure.

All these years since we learned to walk upright...

...and we’ve decided to crawl backwards.


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