Sex Shut-Down

Due to some state laws regarding abortion in Georgia and elsewhere there is a movement afoot for women to withhold sex from their husbands or boyfriends.

Not sure how much of an impact this will have on my life at this point.

I first saw the suggested abstinence being discussed by Alyssa Milano who is a pro-woman’s rights advocate and I find her to be reasonable and intelligent in most matters.

She might be off-base here. I mean, how does it work?

I’m sure that there are a lot of men who find the Georgia law that threatens jail for a woman who may  miscarry as a tad crazy.

I haven’t read the specific law, but there is chatter about questioning the woman to see if she may have somehow been responsible for the miscarriage.

I can’t imagine a more cruel law!

I know of some who have suffered a miscarriage and I understand that their first question is:

“Did I somehow cause this?”

Imagine, in the moment after it happens, if they are suddenly being grilled by someone to see if they belong in jail because they didn’t deliver.

Couple this with the straight-up, disgusting lie that Brokeahontas is yelling at his rallies that mothers and doctors are consulting on whether or not to execute the newborn child and I see Alyssa’s frustration.

Old white men are threatening to make decisions for women in moments following the worst minutes of their lives...

...and they’re threatening jail time!

But what did I do?

If women do band together and start using sex as a weapon...

...well, men, we’re cooked!

Think of all the things that have gotten done in homes all across this great land because of the promises made by the women in charge.

“It’s a motivating tool,” my wife explains.

“It’s why you win arguments,” I answer. “You know how many times you’ve been dead wrong and I’ve decided to let it slide?”

And, I believe, that every good married woman knows it.

I’m not sure that it will work, but I am concerned about the recent chatter about eventually repealing Roe V Wade.

There is no doubt that it’s in the cross-hairs of some prominent groups who are greatly concerned of the rights of the unborn, but immediately lose interest in the welfare of the child once it’s born.

It’s almost as if they want more children alive so they can be gunned down at school.

Or so they can starve to death.

It’s another battle for the soul of the nation, and I have always backed away from being sucked into what is normally a passionate personal discussion.

The whole thing will evolve into an absolute mess... everything else these days...

...and if the shutdown takes hold...

...we’re going to be truly suffering.


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