I Was Only Drinking Tea

With the Yanks off last night my beautiful wife and I settled in to watch a movie. Against all my protests Ben Affleck was in it. His blatant love for the Red Sux makes me believe he's stupid. My wife's love for him also is quite aggravating, and usually, his movies are pieces of poop.

I lost the argument.

Halfway through the movie Ben's beautiful wife spoke a few beautiful, loving, caring and sympathetic words to him.

"See how nice she is?" I asked. "Why don't you treat me like that?"

I was just joking around to get her goat.

"Cause you ain't Ben," she answered.

Lost that one.

I read a whole article today about Lindsey Lohan drinking tea. It was on CNN. Thank God, it wasn't alcohol! Who the hell could possibly care?

Yeah, yeah, I know... I'm the one who read the article.

I also read about Casey and Kaylee Anthony and the twisted grandparents and chloroform, duct tape and the death of a 2-year old. Horrible.

Some other tidbits:

Being on the computer so much is changing the structure of our brains and is making us lazy.

Potato chips make you fat. Not sure we needed a bulletin there.

Afghan troops are coming home. Good news, right?

What the hell happened with Libya? That one went in and out of the news fast.


The movie was finally over and my wife came towards me with a page clipped out of a magazine. It was a photo of a twenty-something model with dark skin, pouty lips and a wild-looking, short haircut.

"I want to get my hair cut like this," she said. "I'll get it darkened and highlighted. What do you think?"

"You trying to look like her?" I asked.

She gave me the 'don't be a wise ass face.'

"The hair," she said. "What do you think of the hair? I sort of like the wild, unkempt look."

I glanced at the photo and then at her.

"You got that look down," I said. "But I think she washes hers."

Ahh marriage...around and around we go.

Ben this!


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