Bring it Maryland!

My cousin Larry is coming up to play golf next weekend. He asked my brother Jim:

"Will Cliff be well enough to play?"

I laughed. Larry is a funny dude.

Yet it is time to whine, bitch, piss and moan. I quit playing golf yesterday after nine holes because I just couldn't figure out what hurt worse my aching back or my forever swollen knee.

Yes, I hate whiners. That is well-established, but what is life without a little whine?

The knee surgery was done at the start of April. I should be all good by now, right?

It depends who you talk to. I know one guy who never missed a beat. I know another five who said it took them eight months to get back to doing their usual stuff.

Well, I've been doing my usual stuff since three days after the surgery...and I will NOT miss another day of work due to this, but it feels as if I am wearing a weighted cuff around my knee. It is double the size of my left knee. Rehab, stretching, ice, rest...its all the same. Climb a 240-foot scaffold...easy enough. Watch the knee swell in the car ride on the way to the next job, even easier.

I must admit that I'm frustrated. I also know that I'm being a wimp.

Or am I? I don't even know! I didn't shut it all down to rest. I tried to suck it up!

Anyway, what's the point of reading along today?

There isn't one. I stopped playing golf after 9 holes yesterday because it rained for an hour and I stiffened up so bad that like an old man, I made the decision to get a little rest instead.

Simply riding along yesterday for the final 9 would have put my golf with Larry in jeopardy for next week.

And that can't happen because I'm well enough to whip his tall, goofy ass.


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