
It certainly is scary to consider what is really going on - Sal from the Howard Stern Show was arguing that blacks are voting for Obama simply because he is black.

Others were of the opinion that it just wasn't the case. So, Sal went out with a recorder and started asking questions.

"Who are you voting for?"

All three interviewed responded: "Obama."

"Does it bother you that he favors staying in Iraq and not withdrawing the troops?"

"Not at all," was the favored response.

"Do you agree with Sarah Palin as his choice as VP."

"Yes, I do." They all said!

"So, you think she'll do a good job as Obama's Vice-President."

"She'll be great," was the response.

God help us all. Perhaps it was just an isolated case, but to not even know who's running with whom?

No wonder we're on the verge of bankruptcy.


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