Cold Medicines Suck

It's about time someone said it - there is absolutely nothing that really dulls the symptoms of the common cold. I have a doozy of a cold right now and it just shouldn't be happening to me. I just had the ankle problem - doesn't God have someone else He could've picked on? He could've given me a week out of the barrel.

And yet, I know people are suffering with a lot worse and a cold is just a cold - roll with it, suck it up and tough it out (although I'm getting weary of hearing that from the wife and kids - wish I'd never brought it up).

Anyway the point of this blog is that the cold medicine that you buy over-the-counter isn't worth the box it comes in. I end up really doing a number on myself because I want to just feel better and I'll mix and match all kinds of crap to try and get a balance. Not a great idea, either.

One other thing, I have noticed is that when I don't feel well, I go out of my way to let everyone and their brother know it. I always feel like calling up my mother because I know she'll feel bad for me, but I refrain from doing so because, well, I'm 44 and the self-proclaimed strongest man in the world, and I probably shouldn't be saying, "Mommy, I don't feel well."

So, what have I taken today? Aspirin on 3 separate occasions, Tylenol Cold, Day-Quil and those little red pills that are supposed to break up the congestion. Is that too much? I didn't take them all at once, mind you, and I'm not having convulsions - in fact - they don't seem to be having any effect at all.

Perhaps that's the problem - maybe my superior strength is making me immune to the mere drugs of modern man.

Anyway, I always liked the Vapo-Rub on the chest and under the nose. I sleep with that, under my new electric blanket with a tee-shirt on. That helps me to sweat out the cold.

Last night, I very carefully asked my wife if she'd put the Vapo-Rub on my chest. (Another thing the world's strongest man probably shouldn't ask for help with).

"Yeah, keep dreaming," she said.

It wasn't much fun rubbing it on myself - and it didn't work either.

Time for more medicine!


deafjeff said…
You didn't even try the ol' "Ah come on, I'd do it for you" line?

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