The More I Know...

... the less I understand.

--- I thought the bailout would work and that we could continue our ways, untouched by the panic that the economic crisis is causing. My people keep saying it will work out and that the confidence will be back and that we'll correct it all without missing a step. Yet the numbers are boggling my mind. I saw an executive with AIG mentioning that his $22 million golden parachute was earned. When a member of Congress asked if he'd give some of the money back - he offered a one word answer. "No." Great guy.

--- The debates are great, aren't they? The moderator asks a question and the politician answers, not with what they'd do - but what their opponent wouldn't do. Then if we do get a straight answer, the next guy stands up and says - "That's not quite voted against what you just said." Confusing.

--- I hate being driven by fear. Someone once said - and I'm not smart enough to figure out who - that the best way to govern is to have the people fear what might happen. Seems to me that such a philosophy is garnering a ton of weight in this election. There are polls out now that say Americans are fearful of what might happen. You think?

--- The Dow Jones is down 500 points. That seems to be the daily mantra. I want to have blind faith in the current leaders who drove us down into this hole, but when the NY Post headline says that Asian markets are crashing... I go back to that fear paragraph written above.

--- Imagine going to your spouse and saying.

"We're in a bit of a crisis here. The money we had is all gone. We are now double that in debt, but we can borrow our way out. All we do is need to have faith in ourselves and things will be just fine."

My guess is that you'll be out the door.

--- With Bush's presidency coming to a close we should remember the good times. Remember when he stood on the deck of the ship all dressed up and in his military uniform and exclaimed, "Mission Accomplished."

How proud we all were. We at least have to thank him for handling that mission well. What was that? That was the Iraq war that he was declaring finished? Oh, my bad. What was his feel good accomplishment then?

I wish I knew less. Then it wouldn't all seem so bad.


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