I Have a Plan - Part 1

Here in Erie County we have an ex-boxer running for State Senate. We also have an ex-cop, who looks like a guy who got battered by a boxer, running for something or other. Day after day, hour after hour, I've listened to the commercials for the candidates. The one by the boxer is what galled me into writing this blog. Here's the dialogue:

"Joe Mesi has a plan for reducing our dependency on oil."

"What's the plan?" I asked.

I didn't get an answer.

During the debate, McCain explained that he had a plan to fix the economy. He also stated that he had a plan to catch Bin Laden. He finally, had a plan to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Of course, I have followed it closely enough to know some of his plans, but he wasn't able to expand on it at the Town Hall debate. I can imagine two people watching the debate not knowing anything about the candidates.

Woman: I'm voting for McCain. Who you voting for?
Man: Obama
Woman: But McCain has a plan.
Man: What is it?
Woman: I'm not sure, he didn't say, but he definitely has a plan.
Man: What is he Lex Luthor? How do we find out about his plan?
Woman: We have to elect him and then he'll tell us.

I asked my wife about the ex-boxer's plan to reduce our dependency on foreign oil. She shrugged.

"He found an alternative energy source," I said. "His plan is to go to the sun and harness the energy. Everyone was against him telling that he'd burn up, but he said, 'There's the beauty of my plan - I'm going at night!'"


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