Spring Problems

It takes awhile to get the yard into shape after what amounts to 8 months of staying inside.

We have some serious challenges this year, and I already got the mulch down!

1). Replace the gutter - A large section of our gutter came down. Was during the April snow event. Jake came through the front door and announced that a section of the gutter took out the mailbox. The gutter was filled with ice. In April.

2). Replace the Mailbox. See above.

3). Weed Wacker problems - it wasn’t working right when I tried it yesterday. I decided to put my mechanical skills to good use.

Out of string.

That may not be a problem for you, but last time I tried to get the string for it I made 3 trips to the store because I purchased the wrong product. When I finally got the right one I wrote it down so it would never happen again.

Can’t find where I wrote it.

4). Push mower #1 - The handle broke on my mower. I got so sick of it that I stopped by a road side shop and bought a second hand mower. I figured that if we had two working ones we could mow the lawn quicker with one boy working on each section. I even half-assed fixed the handle. Was so excited to start the 2nd mower.

5). Push mower #2 - the new mower had a horrible debut. I hit the edge of the concrete step and broke the blade.

Three minutes after I started it.

Went back to push mower #1 with the bent handle.

“You can fix the blade,” Kathy said. 

“I can?” I asked.

“Well, a man could.”

6). Holes - there are currently 6 holes in the back yard. Courtesy of Oliver who likes to hide his toys.

I grabbed 10 bags of topsoil to fill them. I also grabbed some bitter apple spray.

“Fill the holes and spray the dirt,” the kid in the pet store said. “Works like a charm. He’ll stop digging.”

Oliver was beside me as I filled the first hole.

I sprayed a healthy portion of the bitter apple all over the fresh dirt.

Was filling the second hole when I noticed movement.

He had re-dug hole 1.

Didn’t work like a charm.

I still refilled all six holes and emptied the can of spray.

Walked out to check the yard this morning before work.

I no longer have six holes.

There are nine.

Going to be a long-ass spring.

We need a man around here.


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