Spread the Word

I had a sore back on Tuesday. I’d also climbed a half a dozen ladders and was just tired.

To make matters even better, I had to stop at the grocery store on the way home for a few things.

One cashier.

I was 4th in her line.

The very last thing I want to do in that situation is talk to a stranger, but I was getting weird looks from the woman directly ahead of me.

She was giving me a goofy smile. Finally, I said, “How you doing?”

“Can I ask you a personal question?” She asked.

She didn’t wait for my answer.

“Did you go to church on Sunday?”

Wasn’t a question I wanted to answer.

“I just want to get my groceries,” I said.

She laughed.

“Oh, I appreciate that, but I think it’s my word to spread the good word. A life of eternal damnation in hell is what we are all trying to avoid, right?”

Now I was getting a tad aggravated. Her goofy smile was what was doing it.

“Now, you figure that Satan is in charge of hell, right?” I asked.

She nodded.

“You figure that Satan is going to punish us in a fiery place for all of eternity.”

“I don’t figure it,” she says. “It’s what the good book says.”

She was now putting her crap on the grocery belt.

“Doesn’t make sense,” I said. “Why would Satan punish me for eternity for being bad? Wouldn’t he love me because he WANTS me to be bad?”

I gave her a goofy smile.

She stuttered for a minute, but I was done listening.

In the parking lot I watched her load her car and then just leave the cart sitting there.

The pen for the cart was mere feet away.

I picked up her cart and mine and returned both of them to the pen.

She definitely saw me do it.

Give her another thing to think about.

What a blast she must be at parties.


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