Bombing Mexico

It’s truly amazing to me that there are so many books out there by former members of the former guys staff.

All of them are trying to rehabilitate their images and to try and garner favor.

They’re now admitting that they were horrified when it was suggested that bleach be ingested to cure Covid, or that the insurrection was planned, or that the election results were legit.

Someone (I don’t even know who) said that one of the ideas floated was to shoot protesters who were marching to protest cops killing black men.

To his credit, I suppose, he only suggested that they shoot them in the legs.

Then yesterday another guy (who claimed to be horrified and who also claimed that he only stayed to try and save the Democracy) told the world that it was suggested that the United States bomb Mexico and that he would then deny ordering the bombing if anyone asked.

The dude responsible for all that crazy stuff is currently the leader of the Republican Party.

What’s worse?

“Bombing Mexico is a great idea,” one of his fans wrote on Twitter. “Blaming someone else is genius!”

So, I’m not quite horrified that the former dope did all that garbage.

I knew that all the craziness was true because he usually announced it.

What bothers me is that there are still millions who would vote for him again!!!

Every weekend he stands in front of a bunch of people who cheer for him.

My favorites are those who believe that JFK is the current president and that JFK Jr is the vice-president.

I’m not making that up!

They also believe that Michael Jackson gave them a clue on how to decipher a complicated code based on his song lyric, “A-B-C, 1-2-3.”

Not kidding.

“Princess Di and Jackie O are definitely still alive,” one MAGA woman exclaimed. “It will all be revealed. Trump  will be declared president and JFK will be his Vice President before the end of the year.”

I don’t even know what to say about it anymore.

Sounds insane, right?

Now think about the true fact that millions and millions of people believe that he is the best option!

Bombing Mexico (and blaming it on someone else)

Injecting bleach.

Attacking the Capital.

And people from his staff coming out of the woodwork to tell the truth about all of it?


Do they know that JFK would be more than 120 years old if he were still alive?


Easy as 


It will all be revealed soon!


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