Another One

Elementary school children.

Less than a week away from the end of the school year.

Shot to death in their little chairs.

Read that again!

You know what I did when I heard about it?

I clicked on the first news story about it and read the first four comments.

Guy one was talking about how the gun didn’t do it. 

Guy two mentioned the Hispanic last name of the suspected shooter.

Guy three brought up the soft zone and how teachers need to be ready with their own guns.

Guy four said that the shooting was staged by Democrats so they can steal all the guns.

I almost threw up.

Same damn tired clichés.

And you know what?

This shooting will stay in the news for 3-5 days. Maybe less depending on when the next one happens.

Coincidentally, I was on Michigan Avenue yesterday. About 4 blocks from the Tops Market where 10 died in a shooting.

I passed a church, and saw a news reporter holding a microphone.

Saw anguished faces moving down the sidewalk.

The funerals.

I saw the hearse pull up and checked the rear view mirror as they took the body out the back.


Because they went to the grocery store.

Another former responsible gun owner.

Somewhere out there a man behind a counter is selling a gun and ammunition to someone not mentally capable to handle the weapon of death.

Around and around we go.

Coming soon to a town near you.

Nothing we can do.

Just hold our breath.


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