Where We Are

It certainly would be nice to believe that things will somehow even out here in 2021, but chaos continues to reign.

Sedition is a big word.

It is a word that hasn’t been used in this country in hundreds of years.

I don’t quite grasp what might be accomplished via the stunt that the GOP is planning for Wednesday.

The election results have been certified. The votes were counted and recounted and the process has played out.

There were 61 court challenges.

60 have been tossed as they have zero basis.

But during the playing out of the process, there has been a lot of disinformation presented and there’s a great gift afoot:

“Send me money and we will fight this rigged election!”

My patience for speaking about politics is gone. I have no desire to argue about it with those who believe nonsense because it fits a narrative.

The dilemma is easy to explain.

Those who are standing beside Trump as he rails nonsensical about fraud that hasn’t been established or even actually brought to the table, are standing there because they don’t want to alienate a base of people who still want Trump to maintain his reign.

It’s simple.

It’s an attack on Democracy, and on the constitution.

Those who are standing shouldn’t be seated.

Hawley is a Yale graduate who studied constitutional law.

He knows there’s no basis for what he’s doing, but this is his chance at being front and center.

The usual suspects:

Cruz, Tubberville, Rubio, Gohmert...

...the election results were decisive, and indisputable.

The electoral college certified it. The Supreme Court denied the challenges.

Joe Biden will be inaugurated on January 20th.

The rest is noise.

I pray that no one is injured or killed on Wednesday.

In the name of nothing at all.


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