Fall Out

It’s just sad.

Mitch McConnell and Lyndsy Graham and 7 others resigning their allegiance.

It’s too late.

They can’t save face.

Pence was reportedly considering the 25th Amendment to save the nation from an unstable president.

The story is that he doesn’t want to do it because he is worried about his 2024 presidential chances.

For real?

It was all anyone was talking about, of course, and it’s all so disconcerting.

People who were dead set against looting and tearing down of monuments in the summer now justify Wednesday’s riot by saying, “Well, they did it.”

If you’re against it. You’re against it! 

Justifying it by saying, “He did it first!” Seems a tad sad.

And maybe I’m wrong but I just find it horrific that it was our Capitol building that was breached.

“The flag flying over the courthouse means certain things are set in stone. Who we are and what we’ll do and what we won’t.”

That flag stands for something.

Those who attacked the Capitol Building tossed the red, white and blue aside and planted the ridiculous “Trump” flags.


Now what?

I anticipate a second impeachment but there are only 12 days left.

I’m all for it!

A whole lot of damage can be done. 

There will be ridiculous attempts at horrible pardons if he’s left in that chair.

And things we haven’t even considered that could happen.

Things that could burn America down.

He tried once already.

He will not go gently into the good night.

Good luck thinking about anything else and God help us.


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