This Is the World We Live In

Was watching coverage of the latest mass shooting here in America.

Angry white kid with a gun he is not mentally capable to own...

...gunning down back-to-school shoppers.

He killed the young, the old and everyone in between.

For nothing.

And the coverage is always the same:

1). Talk to someone who survived.

2). Talk to law enforcement.

3). Tell us how horrific it is as they wait for the body count.

4). Read thoughts & prayers tweets from the same old politicians who have zero interest in ever making it stop.

5). Get a doctor up there.

It was one of the doctors who caught my ear.

“I’m proud of our team. We practiced the mass shooting response because, let’s face it, this is the world we live in.”


Then the governor came on, and talked about prayers and thanked the police department and the rescue. Then he offered support from Texas.

This is the same guy who tweeted that he was “embarrassed” because Texas was only 2nd in gun sales.

“Pray for the victims and their loved ones,” he said as he called for unity.

“Stick it up your...,” I thought.

And then...

...”El Paso is strong. We will not be defined by this.”

And maybe they won’t...

...El Paso is simply one of about 100 different places.

Can’t even remember them anymore.

Just death.

For nothing.

Because this is the world we live in.



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