Final Edition

The Warroad Pioneer printed their final edition.

The text newspaper of the small Minnesota town is shutting it down after 121 years of printing the news of the community.


2,000 newspapers have gone belly up in the last 15 years.

I swear to God, one of my first thoughts every day deals with the newspaper. As a kid I was always in trouble for taking the paper to another place in the house before my Dad saw it.

As an adult, buying a newspaper is one of my first thoughts.

I usually read it from page 1 to the end. I like the feel of it, I enjoy looking at the box scores, and I have for years quizzed the boys with the information at my fingertips.

“What’s Jose Altuve batting?”

The boys put in their guesses and whoever is closer gets the point.

But it’s over, isn’t it?

How many people left buy the paper every day?

No one is going to buy a classified ad either when you can just slap it on Facebook.

Yet, where will people get news?

From social media?

The stories passed on from one neighbor to another?

With ‘there’, ‘their’ and ‘they’re’ being as misused as ‘your’ and ‘you’re’.

Who will know what truly is real and what is actually fake?

The problem being that people are prone to actually believe some of the crazy stories that go from one dopey person to another.

Reporters and columnists will be no more..., that’s so sad!

I grew up wanting to be a sports writer like Oscar Madison.

It was my dream job!

And Clark Kent! Jimmy Olsen!! Lois Lane!!!

Those jobs won’t be around anymore.

Fake columnists and reporters writing 128 word missives on twitter and gaining followers.

So, the Warroad Pioneer is gone.

If you ever visit the Midwest you’ll realize how sad that is that the paper is gone.

In Iowa, there were long stories about the family who was taking the pig to the county fair...

...there were long obituary’s for old women who stayed home, raised kids, and knitted socks for her friends and neighbors.

The Buffalo News is a thin paper now.

The highest paid columnists were sent on their way.

Ad space?

There isn’t much.

Pretty soon there will be a final edition.

I’ll be mourning.


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