Stormy Sh*thole

It’s been a week since the Fire & Fury Book came out!

A week!

It’s old news already.

Bannon has been kicked to the curb.

Trump denied that he was a temperamental little baby who hadn’t been linked to the Russian Mob.

Then he said “No Collusion” 10 times in a 40 word answer.

Then he would interview with Mueller because he’s totally innocent and the next day said he wouldn’t grant an interview because he’s totally innocent.

Bannon flipped.

Then he had a meeting with everyone in an effort to show that he’s not crazy. He wanted an immigration bill that was “filled with love.”

Then he called African nations shithole countries and bashed Haiti and El Salvador, wondering why we couldn’t get immigrants from Norway.

The next morning he admitted it and then denied it and then seemed to shrug it off.

Then the porn star story broke.

“What can go wrong?” Someone argued with me during the past election.

Racist comments, Russian mob, porn stars, shitholes, possible treason, not being allowed in England, daily tweets, tax cuts for the wealthy, travel bans shot down in court, we need a wall, we don’t need a wall, white-guy shootings: “we shouldn’t talk about it then.” Republicans are all retiring.

Hell, Billy Joel could write an entire “We Didn’t Start the Fire” from the last three weeks!

I really think that it’s all coming to a close.

The daily tweets are becoming more nasty and crazy.

Mueller is closing in.

Trump’s financial world was built on a lot of suspect deals.

It’s gonna’ collapse.

Will we survive?


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