Get Off My Lawn!

So, hanging around Albuquerque, New Mexico and we just had to go looking around for the Breaking Bad sites.

We started with Walter White’s house, of course, and the address was in the GPS early enough. It was 12 minutes from our hotel, and I made every turn.

We were smiling when we saw it.

There was a woman waking around in front of the place. The only difference was the black iron fence in front of the place. I parked a few houses away and we took in the section of the roof where the pizza landed. I got out of the car and raised my phone, taking in the sign that read, “Take your photos and don’t bother us.”

I didn’t intend on bothering her.

“It’s just a house,” she growled.

“We wanted to see it,” I said.

“Good for you,” she answered.

I took two quick photos and headed back to the car. We then parked on the side street where Mike parked to keep an eye on Hank.

Not gonna’ lie.

It was cool.

We headed to the car wash.

That was even better. The people were nice, we looked through the shirts and peered down the hallway that was so recognizable.

Albuquerque appears to be a happening place. A lot of highway driving and a business on every corner. Yet, we checked in our their local news and it was noted that there is heavy poverty in the state. That didn’t jive with what we were seeing.

Until we started looking for Jessie’s house.

Ten minutes out of town all the brown was suddenly home to broken down homes, yards filled with debris and old cars.

“Don’t really want to break down here.”

There were a few men standing on corners with their signs. I was going to yell out to them that the Dow is through the roof.

We saw Walter’s apartment, might have seen Jessie’s place, and got bogged down trying to find the chicken place.

Yet, it was cool.

I kept thinking about the creative process and how freeing it must be to write, knowing that the actors who play the roles have great capabilities.

I told Kathy about pulling into a guy’s driveway to take photos of his house because it was the exact house I was picturing for the family in ‘Nobody’s Home.’

The guy pulled in right behind me.

I was able to get one good photo before he asked me what the hell I was doing.

“I’m lost. Was just turning around,” I said.

He was more annoyed than the woman in Walter’s house.

Ah well.

Creative process.

Really cool.

Glad we got to see it.


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