Punched In the Face

I was kind of fired up to get back to work, but as Mike Tyson once famously said:

"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face."

Ten degrees and blowing snow.

"This sucks," I screamed out at just a little after seven o'clock.

I had been outside in shorts just 36 hours before.

"Why do we live here?" I asked Melky and Paris as we gathered for our first ride together in a long while.

I had a heavy coat on, long underwear too.

Still, first job was blowing snow hard and the walk was very icy.

I was shuffling my steps and felt a little like Tim Conway when he used to do that little walk on the Carol Burnett Show.

(God, I'm old - that's an old reference).

Everything is slower in the cold weather.

Traffic moves slowly...

...we're all waiting for the weather to announce how much snow we might be getting.

I complained about it to the first group I saw.

"It's going to be close to 50 by Saturday," the guy said.

I took a deep breath...

...that's welcome news.

I stuck next to the propane torch heater. Every time that I do that on a job I think about my first labor foreman, Joe Black, who'd got too close with clothes that went up.

Poor Joe.

I took a step back.

Then I headed outside to the freezing cold and the blowing snow...

...felt like a punch in the face.


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