
Read an article over the weekend that was actually pro-swearing.

Which is great f****ng news!

The article stated that people learn to say the bad words really early on in their existence, and while they know it’s taboo to swear in certain settings...’s actually good for them.

Emotionally, physically, and intellectually.

Here’s the thing.

I never swear in front of my children or my Mom.

I hardly ever swear at Home, at all...

...but I say an awful lot of swear words at work. I also write a lot of curse words for the characters in my books.

I definitely swear when I’m telling funny stories.

And I’ve never actually worried too much about it.

Lately, unfortunately, it has entered my mind when I’m doing speeches.

The article said that people who curse more are actually more honest.

More intelligent too.

We’ve always been taught the opposite, right?

“People say bad words because their grasp of the English language is limited,” the nuns told us.

F****ng liars!

Most of the time, I cringe when I hear someone swearing in public. Did you ever actually listen to someone drop F-bombs on a private phone call?

It’s uncomfortable.

My feeling on it is that well-placed curse words can be amazing.

They enhance a story.

They convey a direct message

They bring laughter and tears.

I obviously wasn’t horrified by the ’shithole’ comment because of the word itself...

...let’s stop pretending.

We all swear!!

Yet, it was the context in which the word was used...

...there were certainly racial overtones to it.

What is absolutely ridiculous is when one of Carlin’s 7 dirty words slips across the airwaves.

“We are so horribly sorry!”

Oh for f***’s sake.

It’s just a word!

Turns out I’m a emotionally stable, honest genius after all.


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