NFL Preview

The NFL players are going to be able to celebrate this year!

Goodell says that there won't be any penalties for celebrating after a touchdown...

...maybe it'll take their mind off being permanently maimed by the game.

Anyway, it's that time of year. I make my predictions so that my boys can laugh at me after the season...

...except I got the super bowl winner right last year when Tom and the Hoodie won again.

Easy enough. The division winners:

New England, Pittsburgh, Houston and Oakland in the AFC.

Dallas, Green Bay, Atlanta and Arizona in the NFC

San Diego and Baltimore are AFC wild cards

Detroit and the Giants are NFC wild cards.

Special Note: Nobody circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills. For the 18th straight season they're gonna' put the wagons right back into the barn after Game 16.

There's not even a lot of excitement around town. Sam, who usually has them at 13-3 or 12-4 could only find 8 wins for them.

Read that again:

Their most optimistic fan has them at 8-8.

Which means that I have them at four wins...

...and I'm being optimistic!

So, with the Bills out of the way, who wins it???'

I'm going with Oakland-New England in AFC Title Game.

Dallas-Green Bay in NFC.

The Super Bowl matchup will be:

New England-Green Bay.

And Tommy & Hoodie get number 6 and I aggravate the piss out of every Bills fan all year.

Ah well.

I didn't pick them at 19-0.

18-1 oughta' do it.


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