
I'm of the opinion that eyebrows are just plain weird.

And that's because I have an eyebrow problem.

It's not a unibrow...some people suffer that affliction and look ridiculous...

...it's that my eyebrow hair remains jet black, like the hair on my head used to be...

...while the hair on my head is grey!

I read somewhere that they consider it a disease...

...well, I'm suffering because of it.

Recently, a buddy of mine snapped a photo of me...

...my hair was a bit long and my eyebrows were a bit bushy...

So, the grey and black together brought comic results.

Over the course of the next three days (and two days after a haircut and eyebrow trimming) I endured photos of every man known to man with embarrassing eyebrows.


And the discussion has come up every time with whomever is trimming my hair.

"They're just shaped so weird," my beautiful wife will say if she's tasked with trimming them.

(She loves me anyway).

"We can dye your hair," the hot, young girl at Supercuts will mention.

I don't want to dye my hair!

I know guys in their 70's who dye their hair, and they look ridiculous to me. We are supposed to get old and grey.

My poor father-in-law stopped by on the day when my sister-in-laws dyed his hair (and God Bless him - he has more than me) but his hair had an orange tint to it.

"Dude," I said. "You look like Howdy-Doodie."

He touched the top of his head.

"Eh, they got the color wrong, sonsofbitches."

We both laughed.

(He actually stopped by yesterday too to argue some baseball (Indians fan) and his hair looked much better.

I give him credit too...

...he never once mentioned my freaking eyebrows.

Ah well...

...what can you do?

I'm way too good-looking anyway.


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