Freedom to Speak

Jemele Hill is an announcer on ESPN.

When she's at work she reads the sports of the day, and at other times she gives her opinion on stories that are controversial.

She seems competent.

She's a young, thoughtful professional black woman. In her off hours, she posted her opinion of Trump on her Twitter account.

She labeled him as a racist, a white supremacist and an all around unqualified president.

Certainly her opinion and we are all entitled to our opinions, and her opinion isn't one that is unique.

In Donald terms, many people have been saying it.

ESPN put out a statement saying that Hill's words don't reflect the company feelings.

Hill put out the required apology.

Then it got weird.

The White House spokeswoman, Sarah Huckabee-Sanders (who always looks as if she just bit into a grapefruit) said that Hill should be fired for what she thought.

I laughed at that.

Does she know who her boss is?

He tweets like a crazed lunatic!

He called Obama a racist. He calls people fat, stupid, idiotic...

...over and over again.

Perhaps Hill shouldn't have tweeted it.

I'm sure she thought about it long and hard and decided, to hell with civility. She believed that Trump was too sympathetic to white supremacists.

Felt she had to say it.

She did.

We all have an opportunity to say what we want to say to whoever we want to say it to or about.

Lord knows I have a lot of opinions!

Sometimes I say them out loud. Most of the time I pull the punches on what I really feel.

I work for a company that I represent on a daily basis. I also have a wife and kids who are affected by everything I do.

So, sometimes I don't say exactly what I might want to say.

But I respect Jemele's right to say it.

She's a young, professional black woman who heard the president of the country say that there are bad people on both sides of the white supremacist issue...

...and good people on both sides too.

Hill was most likely angered by the good people white supremacist drama.

Good for her.


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