Extend the Netting!!

During the Wednesday afternoon Yankees game, Todd Frazier ripped a line drive into the crowd above the third base dugout.

The ball, which could have had an exit velocity at up to 115 mph, made contact with the face of a 2-3 year old girl.

Frazier immediately dropped to one knee.

Players on each side wore absolutely horrified looks on their faces.

The camera didn't pan to the scene in the crowd...

...I was thankful for that!

So sad.

It's the third time that a fan has been bloodied at a Yankees game this year.

Yeah, there are signs that say be alert and watch out for batted balls or flying bats, but what chance do fans really have?

The Internet debate started immediately.

The kid shouldn't have been sitting there!

The Yankees don't care!

What were the kids parents doing!!

We don't need stupid netting ruining the view from the expensive seats!!!

Come on now!

A three-year old kid got drilled in the face!

I sat behind the netting at the Kansas City Royals-Yankees game in KC a couple of years back.

If I looked at the net it was a pain in the ass.

If I looked beyond it...

...I saw the game clearly.

And I could look down to eat my $12 sausage, pepper, onion and macaroni & cheese sandwich without worrying about a ball knocking it out of my hand, or blasting me into oblivion.

(Good thing too because I ate two).

I once sat beside a woman who was hit in the face with a hockey puck...

...was actually the mother of the girl I was there with on a date...

It was awful.

Poor lady missed half the game!

A year later, the netting was extended at NHL games.

No one even remembers a game without netting now.

Get it over with.

The next person who gets blasted might be someone you know!

Might even knock the sandwich out of your hand.


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