Mail Order Bride

Sometimes the truth is just too much to take.

"You gotta' help us," one of the guys on the site said.

"What's up?"

"We know a guy who's getting taken to the cleaners by a scam."

"Oh boy," I said.

They spilled the details.

Basically, the guy was promised a 10 who would be all his if she could just get out of the country where she was born.

I saw the photos.

Definitely an attractive woman. No Kathy Fazzolari, but attractive in a big-breast sort of way.

"So he has a little hope in his heart," I said.

"He's already sent about twenty grand! Every time that she's supposed to arrive something happens and then he forks over more cash."


"How do I help?" I asked.

"Tell him!" Both guys said, at once.

People Believe What They Want to Believe When It Makes No Sense At All.

"There's no telling him," I said. "He's gotta' bottom out. He's too invested now. He's gonna' keep going until he's flat broke, or she shows up."

"You think she's showing up?" The first guy said.


The two guys were following me around.

"You gotta help us!"

The entire conversation made me so uncomfortable.

Two friends trying to save a guy from himself.

"Nothing you can do," I said.

"He's spending every dime he has!"

"We build with one hand and burn with the other," I said. "It'll dawn on him eventually, and hopefully he'll have enough left to pick up the pieces."

"What if he hurts himself?" the second guy asked.

"That's when you help him," I said.

And sad as it seems... is all they can do.

They can tell the guy until they're blue in the face.

Right now he's still looking at the photo...

...and dreaming.


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