Labor Day

It's one of my favorite days of the year...

...because it's a day off for all of us who work hard all year.

One time a few years back I asked a buddy of mine:

"How's work?"

"I wouldn't go if they weren't paying me," he said.

Which is mostly true, right?

Yet, it's important to enjoy what you're doing, and even more important that you do the best you can every day.

It really doesn't matter what you do... should try and do it well.

Whether you're a safety consultant, a writer, a shortstop for the Yankees, or a gal who makes ice cream the best you can do.

And we see a whole lot of people out there who don't do it so well, don't we?

I swear that is something that aggravates me to no end.

I once interviewed a guy for a job and he asked me:

"When am I eligible for vacation and how much time do we get?"

That was his first question!

He didn't get the job.

I know an owner who had to gather all his employees cell phones and put them in a box because one of his employees who spend more than 30 minutes in the toilet each morning...playing video games!

I'm forcing myself to take a few days off this coming week.

Every year I get to the end of the year and realize that I didn't use any vacation!

Which is silly.

But I've always considered that being able to earn a living is a privilege, and I've been blessed in having been gainfully employed for a long, long time.

I really figure that it's up to me to show my kids that working hard is important.

Pick up the rock and carry it on.

Dad provided me with my first job as a union laborer.

I was the big boss' son.

"People will be watching you to see how hard you work," Dad said. "Both of our names are on the line."

Since that day I've always played a little game with myself.

"Did I give them more than I took?"

I can honestly say that nearly every day I can say "Yes."

That's why I enjoy Labor Day off.

Have a good one!

Rest a little!!


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