
After venting a little bit in yesterday's blog I spent a pretty peaceful day in the calm beauty of the New England states.

They talk a little funny up here, and they definitely have a baseball problem (and most of the Buffalomorons) would believe a football problem...

...but there's beauty up here.

(Not to mention chowdah and lobster rolls)

...especially a whole lot of beauty in Maine.

I drove for three hours, looking at the green all around me. There are a whole bunch of glances that could be captured on post cards.

And I barely thought about the ugly of the news across this great land.

Will we ever figure anything out?

As you can probably tell by yesterday's post I am pretty doubtful, but as I traveled Maine Route 1 I purposely considered all that has been great in my life.

(It's a pretty good exercise to do such a thing).

I first thought of singing to my dogs!


Before the wife, kids, friends, siblings...

...before any of that.

Because your dogs have the grace that we all search for every day. Melky and Paris actually cry with excitement when they see me for the first time after a couple of days away.

They just feel the joy.

They don't think of constant threats in the neighborhood. They want and crave happiness...that's all.

From there I contemplated my beautiful wife and my adoring children and how they one another...or together, at each other.

Trying to capture the laughter of someone in your mind will make you smile every time.

And then the memories...

...they're all free.

A long time buddy sent me a text about a long ago softball game. I was catching. He was pitching. The bases loaded and there were two outs. The score was tied.

A tense moment!

The batter hit a shot back to the mound and my buddy grabbed it. I came out in front of the plate and he looked at me.

"Throw it to first!" I yelled.

"Shut the $&@" up," he answered.

And then he threw the ball towards me.

The ball arrived a split-second before the runner.

Luckily I caught it.

Even more fortunate was that I held onto it as the runner from third hammered into me.

"A classic moment!" My buddy texted.

I laughed out loud at the memory.

And I thought of the beauty of life.

All free!

All in the confines of your mind!!

Keep the ugly out!


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