Seven %&$#@ Years

I miss my brother every day.

It's 7 years today.

I still shake my head in disbelief at least three times a day.

My heart aches when I think of his children missing him...

...and my children missing him.

So many of us missing him.

Every single day.

And I bless his photo each day...

...the sign of the cross...

...and I talk to him as if he were still here to share things.

And sometimes I wonder if that's a healthy way to grieve.

A lot of wondering.

And yeah.

Today marks seven @#$%& years...

...but the pain hasn't changed much...

...and the love is so alive.

The love will never fade.

"Is there a light up ahead... well, brother, I don't know...

...but I'll see you...

...Further on up the road."


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