Happy Birthday, Jim

"What should I bring?" I asked Jim.

I was calling to check in to see what he needed for the Easter celebration.

Cooking for a lot of people is never easy, but Jim is always willing to do it.

"A bib," he answered.

There is no doubt what drives Jim.

The family.

Feeding the family, specifically.

Jim has spoiled all of us.

The Maryland clan gathers at Jim's house and he stuffs them with gourmet food at every meal.

By the time we get to his home for a celebration for the family all the food is ready and the table is set.

And if ten people are there he has enough food for thirty.

Well, today is Jim's birthday and the world should stop spinning for a minute so we can all acknowledge it.

Jim is so giving for our entire family, and all of his friends that we really should make sure he knows how much we appreciate his efforts.

Yet, that aside... Jim was always an interesting guy to go and have a beer with.

Out in California we spent quite a few nights socializing.

No one else will get the rest of this, but here are some memories for Jim on his birthday:

"I have his motorcycle keys."

"Good work, Columbo."

"I broke my ass cooking that turkey."

"Bah! Stop breaking my balls, I already have 3 tickets."

Jim knows the story behind all of those lines.

Some day we'll tell you the full stories.

Happy Birthday, brother...

...we love you!

Thank you.

For everything.


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