Bruce & Howard

I started listening to Howard Stern back in the 1980’s.

I was listening to Bruce in the mid-70’s.

So, yesterday was a huge day for me. Bruce had finally agreed to an interview with Howard Stern, and I honestly never thought it would happen because for years there, Howard bashed Bruce for reasons unknown.

That all changed once Howard actually listened to what Bruce has spent his life saying.

Howard went to the shows on Broadway and absolutely raved about it, and then just did a deep dive in Bruce’s entire catalog of songs.

Bruce was relaxed, and spoke openly about his wife and kids and how he writes…

…which was infinitely fascinating to me.

He spoke of his visits to therapists, his Mom and Dad and how his wife and kids and sisters keep him humble.

And it struck me that both guys are filthy rich and reached the very top of of the mountain in their fields…

…and yet they made it all the way there with perseverance and talent and all of the emotional baggage that every human being owns.

What always amazes me about listening to a songwriter is the way they mention certain things.

“I wrote ‘Born to Run’.”

Was just a casual remark that Bruce made as though it were easy to do.

Howard asked Bruce about retiring.

“If I become incapacitated, maybe, but I can’t imagine it.”

Which is great, great news.

It was all there. Humor and writing and music and Catholic upbringing and relationships with parents and siblings and children.

Just two guys who’ve been voices in my ear for the last 40+ years having a better than 2 hour conversation.


Listen to it if you can!


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