I’m Going to Play Golf!

It was 67 degrees in Buffalo on Saturday.

Australia is burning down.

Puerto Rico has been having earthquakes for about a week.

Climate change is a hoax???

Anywhoa...I’m playing golf in Florida in early February.

I got the invite from my Syracuse buddies and after a whole bunch of hand-wringing, I got the flights booked.


I’m told that we will play at least 4 days in a row...

...which will be a bit of a chore, but I’m also hearing that the accommodations are first-rate so I can hot tub it.

The course is great.

We are eating buffet style.

On Saturday it was over 80 in the town I’m going.

Just a few short weeks.

Nothing to think about other than:

“Where’s my ball?”

Sun, golf, hot tub, buffet.

Let’s go!


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