Where Is the Bottom?

Social media is a weird thing.

I have a guy I know pretty well, but have never met. He’s a baseball fan, an avid golfer and a good family man.

He’s also a loyal reader of the blog.

One other thing we have in common:

He’s disgusted with Trump.

Has been for a good long while.

Trump was impeached on Wednesday. He also held a rally in Michigan. At the rally he called a protester “a real slob” and lamented the fact that security didn’t rough her up when they were removing her.

“Get her out of here!” He yelled more than once.

Then he went after the widow of longtime congressman John Dingell...

...of Michigan! (Where he was speaking!)

He mimicked the widow who had called to thank him for lowering the flag to half-staff for the man who deserved such a response for his lifetime of service.

Dingell wasn’t a fan of Trump...

...called him an idiot numerous times on Twitter.

Yet, the man has been dead for months.

“Maybe he’s looking up...I don’t know.”

A damn disgrace!

The crowd actually gasped.

The widow responded, mentioning how raw her pain still is.

On Thursday, the White House explained it away saying, “The President is a counter puncher.”

Was he counter punching the dead man???

Or the grieving widow???

He ignored a question about whether or not he was sorry that he’d said it.

I couldn’t help it...

...I listened to the attack and then read the comments of fans of this idiot as they responded in glee that:

“He says what we’re thinking.”

Mixed in was a question from my social media buddy.

“Where is the bottom?”

Sadly, there is no bottom.

Trump is morally bankrupt and dangerously idiotic enough to just keep lowering the bar.

The GOP cowards defending him are just cowards. They’re hiding, hoping they can outlast this moron.

The people in the country still defending him...

...yeah, he is saying what they want to say.

And that’s the truly disturbing part.

They may not be racist, but they’re okay with it.

They may not bash a widow, but they laugh at it.

They may not condone selling out our country, but they don’t want to admit that they were conned...

...so sadly...

...we may not be close to the bottom.

Not until this morally bankrupt, idiotic, childlike moron is just a memory.

But hey, at least we can say ‘Merry Christmas’ again, right?


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