Four Days Away

And our tree isn’t up yet.

We have had some debate about the tree and a newer, smaller one was dropped off.

We are going to put it up today.

You see, we’ve had a real problem here because Kathy just isn’t moving very well... all!

“I just want to be better,” she said, earlier in the week, through tears.

And I just kinda’ sat there.

“It takes time,” sounded lame even to me.

But we’ve kind of resigned ourselves to this is how it will be this year.

A lot less movement.

Enough in the way of gifts, but maybe mixing some cash in so the boys can get a couple of their own.

As for me and Kathy?

We are trying to put stock in the fact that we will do some moving around in a warmer client in early 2020.

On Friday, I took a day off...

...we watched two 200 minute movies...

...Once Upon A Time in Hollywood and Interstellar.

Long ass movies...

...both good.

“It doesn’t even feel like Christmas,” Kathy said.

But Christmas is a feeling, not a “we have to do this or that” kind of thing.

I’m good with the low-key approach and mindful of the fact that she’ll be moving around fine eventually.

Just takes time.

We still have time.

Wish me luck with the new tree...

...this is above my pay grade.


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